Still Life with PPE 4 (The Wish for a Green Maid Rising)
Still Life with PPE 4 (The Wish for a Green Maid Rising)

24 x 30cm, mixed media on panel

I was thinking about Greta (Thunberg) and how, if only humans could leave some things alone, C19 may not have happened. The human animal has lost its' humility, caught in the hubris of ruling the world. If only a green consciousness would really arise, and respect for the natural world be re-membered - instead of the commodification of nature being part of everyone's everyday, and the planet a dumping ground. Perhaps the plagues, physical and other, would stop trying to buck us off the planet. I'm no idealist - of course we'll never listen and never learn.

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Still Life with PPE 4 (The Wish for a Green Maid Rising)

24 x 30cm, mixed media on panel

I was thinking about Greta (Thunberg) and how, if only humans could leave some things alone, C19 may not have happened. The human animal has lost its' humility, caught in the hubris of ruling the world. If only a green consciousness would really arise, and respect for the natural world be re-membered - instead of the commodification of nature being part of everyone's everyday, and the planet a dumping ground. Perhaps the plagues, physical and other, would stop trying to buck us off the planet. I'm no idealist - of course we'll never listen and never learn.

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Original £1650.00
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