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"They were freebooters, anarchists, mystery-mongers, a condemned and cursed race of people, who painted from inner necessity. They gave body to their dreams, created a reality which was denied them in real life" - Anatole Jakovsky, in Naive Painting, Phaidon Press 1976

I make landscape, narrative and abstract work which has an otherworldly, dream-like quality. My subjects are my dreams, the land, and life where I live. My work serves to offer a uniquely calming, peaceful space that allows for reflection and contemplation, a much-needed escape from a busy and turbulent world.

My PhD is in Analytical Psychology - the work of Jung - dreams, myth, and how we represent ourselves through images using both verbal and non-verbal symbols. My interest in different forms of conscious and unconscious experience is reflected in the work I make.

My practise is environmentally sound and sustainable. I specialise in using natural materials and work in mixed media on fine-grained surfaces such as hot-pressed paper made in the UK, found surfaces and recycled canvas panels. I use plant-based paint, inks made from plants and trees, and make many of my own oil paints from Suffolk chalks, rocks, vegetable blacks, natural ochres and earths dug out of the ground - some from the 7,000 year old Clearwell ochre mines. My involved countless layers of paint, and my large pieces take months to make. Each piece represents a chunk of my life and what concerns me at the time.

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